Back to School Night Information

Back To School Night Information

1.  Your child has multiple teachers, so follow multiple blogs.
2.  Follow by e-mail (available on blog).
3.  Check daily/weekly for homework.
4.  E-mail teachers at:
5.  Call teachers at: (before 8pm please)

Lane   427-6717         O’Flaherty    919-943-2661
Lewis 217-6116          Quinn           406-461-1174
Homework: Expect 20 minutes per night for math and reading each.


1. Attendance is critical to a student's success.
2. Students may check with the teacher before school, after school, or by e-mail.
3. Parents who have questions about missed work or specific concerns regarding student, please e-mail, or arrange to meet via email with teacher after school. Please do not interrupt academic time.


1. Math: Work is to be done in non-erasable ink only. If done in pencil, student will redo.
2. Math: If student does not show work, problem is marked wrong.
3. Paper heading: Top, right corner with name, date, and assignment.
4. No name will result in a 1 point reduction of final grade.
5. Neatness: If work is illegible or not in the correct format, student will be required to redo on their own time.
6. Materials for rotation between classes: After second week of school, students will not be allowed to return to homeroom/or previous classroom, and will result in a grade reduction.

Study Hall

There are four reasons a student can be sent to Study Hall:
1. Student did not complete homework.
2.  Student needs to take a test due to being absent.
3.  Student wasted time in class.
4.  Student needs to make up project time due to being absent.


1. A mix of classic novels, expository text, and student-choice books.
2. Daily Five/CAFE.
-CAFE: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, Expand Vocabulary
      -Daily Five: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Work on Writing, Word Work

If you have any questions about reading and writing, please contact Mrs. O’Flaherty, or Mrs. Brown directly. It is much more productive to contact them since I are not teaching reading or writing.

For each assigned IXL objective students will be graded in two parts:

Part 1.

When students are assigned an IXL objective they will  be required to complete 5 problems. This will be due the following school day, time will be given to work in class daily, but if it is not finished it will have to be completed as homework. In order to receive credit for their assignment they will need to:

  1. Complete 5 problems in the assigned objective.
  2. Organize and show all the work that is required by the teacher.  
    1. Copy the problem
    2. Show a map of their work (writing down every step they take to solve the problem)
    3. Annotate (write down the problem in an English sentence and explain each step they took to solve the problem)
    4. Circle their answer
  3. Indicate if each problem is wrong or right.
  4. Record their SmartScore in the top right hand corner under their name, date, and assignment.
  5. Turn in their work.

Part 2

This part of the assignment will be graded on mastery of the objective. Mastery is achieved by receiving a SmartScore of 100. For this part, a percentage score will be given a week after the objective is assigned. However, if a student wants to continue to work towards mastery after the week is up they can still  improve their mastery grade.


A student, after a week, has a SmartScore of 75. In the grade book this student will receive 75%. If they know they can do better they can continue to work on this objective until they have an acceptable SmartScore . Then they will have to fill out and turn in the Objective Mastery Form. Then the teacher will change their grade in the grade book to the final score.

Mastery grades can only be changed if the objective was assigned in the current quarter.

Below is an example of a Objective Mastery Form. The Forms are located in the classroom, by the turn in bins.

Objective Mastery Form

Name ______________________



New Smart Score____________________

Social Media:

If you have an issue with Oasis Academy, a program, a given staff member or student, we respectfully ask that you do not post your issue on social media. Out of respect for our students, staff, and our school community, please treat the situation in a professional manner by contacting the person/people involved directly. We are proud and protective of our family, our achievements and our goals, and as we grow, we would sincerely like to preserve that atmosphere.